Ricardo Borsoi

CNRS researcher
University of

Scholar profile
Github projects

About me

I'm currently a CNRS researcher in the University of Lorraine working with AI, machine learning, and signal processing algorithms, with a focus on image processing applications. In this webpage, you can find some description of the research problems I've been working on and the PDF files of published papers and preprints.

The LoRAINNe’24 workshop

We are organizing the workshop on LOw-Rank Approximations and their Interactions with Neural NEtworks (LoRAINNe’24) in Nancy, France, the 26th and 27th of November, 2024. This workshop will explore low-rank matrix and tensor decompositions/approximations and their interactions with neural networks and machine learning at large. The workshop will cover theoretical foundations as well as practical applications, with the main goal to connect researchers working in these fields. Looking forward to seeing you in Nancy!

Open positions

There are multiple positions open in our team, with topics including tensor decomposition, fMRI data fusion, spatiotemporal data analysis, and deep generative models and unsupervised learning. See the LENTILLE and AGDAM project pages for details; open positions in our team are currently being advertised at: https://cran-simul.github.io/jobs/.

Research Interests

Current research interests are centered in signal and image processing and machine learning, in particular:

  • Hyperspectral imaging

  • Image fusion and super-resolution

  • Deep state estimation

  • Learning over manifolds

  • Tensor decomposition

  • Deep learning

For more details, see the Research/Publications page.

Notable Mentions

I was invited to speak about my experience in doing AI research in France as part of the “AI'm in France” interviews held for the AI Action Summit (10 and 11 February 2025, in Paris). It's available in YT.